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Introduction to Soaring

Introduction to Soaring

Experience first-hand the thrill of soaring a glider




2 Days

Intensive 5 Day Flight Training Course

Intensive 5 Day Training Course

Progress towards your NZ Cross Country Pilot Qualification (XCP)




5 Days

Introduction to Alpine Soaring

Introduction to Alpine Soaring

Learn the basic skills necessary to fly in our mountains




5 Days

Why a Course is a great way to learn


It’s a fact that a concentrated flight training course will accelerate learning faster than sporadic weekend lessons.

This is so because the learnings of one day are reinforced the next. Combine that with dedicated instructors and gliders and you’ll not only reach your goals more quickly, you will have more fun when learning in a group and spend less money along the way.



All our courses are founded on the Gliding New Zealand Pilot Training Program which you find here:

You will need to Register to gain access but that is straight forward.

All courses contain lectures and workshops on the theory and technical aspects of the sport.

Helping out with all the activities needed to get our gliders from the hangar, into the air and back in the hangar again, is all part of the experience.

Winch launches are assumed but may be substituted by aerotow depending on availability and weather conditions.

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